The Parish Council is always trying to maintain the beautiful landscape of the village as best it can. With budgets at the County Council shrinking all the time, the parish has to take on the burden of some of the tasks previously undertaken by both the County and District Councils, with more information set out in the Community Warden section.
We use the resources of the Probation Service to help maintain the areas around the village hall and playing field, and also thank the Cricket Club for keeping the grass cut around the playing field for the enjoyment of the whole village.
Footpaths & Bridleways

We are very proud of our network of Footpaths & Bridleways around the village which, together with the Council and our own volunteers, we work hard to maintain.
Their maintenance and improvement has become a priority for the Parish Council since Covid 19, to enable residents to benefit from exploring the village and our wider environment.
The Council has set out a 3-year plan to prioritise investment into maintaining as many of the footpaths as possible. With leadership from the Parish Council, a small band of volunteers give their time to review each footpath and to recommend improvements.
We work with the local farmers to agree the proposed work and, where practicable, work collaboratively with them to provide solutions, including sharing the financial investment.
If you would like to support this work by volunteering your time to join our team and provide practical manual labour, you email Any assistance / time you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
If, while walking around the village, you find parts of the footpath network difficult to navigate or in need of repair, then please let us know by filling out the form below.
Below are links to interactive maps of public rights of way:

The Parish has engaged the services of Craig Howe since 2011 to help us maintain the street scene of the village. Under the Parish Council's instruction, the Lengthsman carries out the following tasks:
Keeps the village green and children's play area grass neat and tidy
Maintains the trees that are the responsibility of the Parish Council around the green, going up
Harding Hill, and Long Sutton Hill
Keeps roadside drainage channels clear to help prevent localised flooding
Clears pavements of detritus
Supports the footpath management team with fixing stiles and gates
If you find areas of the village that would benefit from the Lengthsman's involvement, please fill out the form below.
Thank you
If, while walking or riding around the Parish, you find parts of the footpath or bridleway network difficult to navigate or in need of repair, or anything which requires the Lengthsman's attention, please contact us on the form below: