Worker's Educational Association
The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) started way back at the beginning of the 20th Century in 1903.
Originally it was formed to support the educational needs of working men and women who could not afford to access further or higher education.
From its inception, a large branch network spread its tentacles through many towns and villages.
The programme of events is planned and run by volunteers who come together to provide part time day and evening courses for people in the local area. The tutors are professional and most of them work part time for the WEA
Today the WEA is a national charity supported through funding from the Skills and Funding Agency.
Unfortunately Team Long Sutton ran its last course in October 2022 and, due to a lack of volunteers, the branch has been wound-up. However, a small team of new volunteers has sprung up, and they are busy finding out how to re-launch the branch, with the help and advice from the former officers, so local people can enjoy a wide range of interesting and stimulating classes in the village hall again.
We will keep you updated.
For more information contact Jennifer Elliott: