Women's Institute

Long Sutton WI
Who we are. The National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI) is the largest voluntary organisation for women in the UK, with over 210,000 members in more than 6,500 WIs.
The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a variety of activities and campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities, from climate change to human trafficking to children’s and women’s health issues. If you think it sounds appealing, then please come join us!
Whilst we may not make Jam or sing Jerusalem in Long Sutton we occasionally make cakes as part of our local fundraising efforts. We have a history of fundraising and supporting local charities through our speakers programme - Service Dogs UK, School in a Bag, Air Ambulance, Mind in Somerset etc., plus annual collections for Christmas boxes for the local women’s refuge (through Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse Service). We have also fundraised for SARSAS (Somerset Avon Rape Sexual Abuse Service) as part of our International Women’s Day event.
Our annual programme of monthly activities supports a diverse range of members' interests from talks, art & crafts, cultural events, active sessions (walks, tai-chi, walking netball, skittles, pickleball) and seasonal outings.
Our hope is to bring The Womens' Institute to other women like us. We want to dispel the myth that womens' groups are full of twinsets and pearls, or jam makers. We are open to new ideas, crafts, trends and just want to share and have fun whilst learning. We are a vibrant, fun group enjoying many things of interest. Come along and meet some new friends.
Long Sutton Village Hall on the third Thursday of the month at 7.30pm. Doors open at 7.15pm, we usually finish around 9:30pm.
If you would like to visit us, and try before you buy, come along to one of our monthly meetings where our friendly WI Hosts will meet & greet you, provide a warm welcome and answer any questions. You can try us out for free with just a contribution toward refreshments.
Women's Institute (WI) was formed in 1915 to revitalise rural communities and encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War. Since then the organisation's aims have broadened and the WI is now the largest voluntary women's organisation in the UK. The WI celebrated its centenary in 2015 and currently has 212,000 members in around 6,600 WIs.The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities. For more information about the WI click here
Long Sutton WI is a registered member of the Somerset Federation whose headquarters are in Bridgwater.
Follow the link for more information about the Somerset Federation of the WI
View the photos from the fundraising coffee morning in December 2023, in aid of Josephine's Start, and Holy Trinity Church
For more information about Long Sutton WI please contact either:
Mrs Heather Wootten (Secretary) 01458 241615 or Mrs Jane Fell (Joint President) 07823 55915 or Mrs Caroline Astington (Joint President) 07971 275975
SCFWI (Somerset County Federation Women's Institute) 344 Bristol Road, Bridgwater TA6 4BU Tel: 01278 496400NFWI Website: