Speed Indicator Device (SID)
Monthly Data
The data from the Speed Indicator Device, when located in Long Sutton Parish once a quarter, can be found by clicking on the summary below.
In the SID results below:
"Langport" reports cover traffic coming into Long Sutton from the Langport (West) direction on the A372
"Martock" reports cover traffic coming into Long Sutton from the Martock (South) direction on the B3165
"School" covers traffic coming in past the school 20mph zone
The 'Text' reports are a written list of
data for each month​
The other three buttons are graphs
Each text analysis report shows:
The 85th percentile speed - ie the speed of 85% of all vehicles that pass. Ditto for 50th percentile.
The 85th percentile volume - ie the number of vehicles within that 85th percentile
The maximum speed recorded during the month
The total vehicles recorded during the month
Similar speed and volume details on a weekly basis
The charts are self-explanatory.
Click on an arrow to see the data: